Forum Cinema Paradiso

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978.

Это был демон / 鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978.

JP. 東京から急行列車で3時間を要するある地方で、32歳の竹中宗吉は、ようやく、印刷屋の主になるところまで漕ぎつけた。狐のような顔をした妻・お梅との間に、子供はなかった。商売の順調な宗吉は、ある時、料理屋の女中・菊代に惹かれる。何とか菊代を養えそうな気がした宗吉は、彼女と関係を持った。好きな女を囲う身分になれたという充足は出世感に近かった。菊代との間には、3人の子供ができた。しかしその後、近代的な印刷会社の進出や火事により、宗吉の商売は零落する。宗吉から生活費の貰えなくなった菊代が、3人の子を連れて、宗吉の家に乗り込んだため、お梅にも事態が露見する。お梅の仕打ちと女房の前に竦んだ宗吉の腑抜けぶりに、菊代は怒り、出て行ってしまう。
EN. When Sokichi stops providing his long-time lover Kikuyo enough money to pay for the care of their three young children, Kikuyo leaves the children with Sokichi - and his very surprised and angry wife Oume - and disappears.
Director: 野村芳太郎 / Yoshitarô Nomura.
Cast: Shima Iwashita, Ken Ogata, Hiroki Iwase, Miyuki Yoshizawa, Jun Ishii, Eimei Esumi, Jun Hamamura, Yoshie Hinoki, Yukio Horikita, Takanobu Hozumi, Tokuo Ichimaru.
Japan, 1978.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download 鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon.
Это был демон / 鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978.
 鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Walkabout. 1971.

Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.
"The Aborgine and the girl 30,000 years apart ...together."
A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where they are, get stranded in the Outback by themselves while on a picnic. They only have with them the clothes on their backs - their school uniforms - some meagre rations of nonperishable food, a battery-powered transistor radio, the son's satchel primarily containing his toys, and a small piece of cloth they used as their picnic drop-cloth. While they walk through the Outback, sometimes looking as though near death, they come across an Australian boy who is on his walkabout, a rite of passage into manhood where he spends months on end on his own living off the land. Their largest problem is not being able to verbally communicate. The boy does help them to survive, but doesn't understand their need to return to civilization, which may or may not happen based on what the Australian boy ends up...
Director: Nicolas Roeg.
Cast: Jenny Agutter, David Gulpilil, Luc Roeg, John Meillon, Robert McDarra, Peter Carver, John Illingsworth, Hilary Bamberger, Barry Donnelly, Noeline Brown.
United Kingdom, Australia, 1971.

 Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.

Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.
Walkabout. 1971.