Forum Cinema Paradiso

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait for their mother to rescue them. Thanks to their mother, the brothers now have a car and enough money to begin their bizarre road trip. Along the way, they encounter a host of people ranging from their unwelcoming sister to a troubled maid and her violent lover. Eventually, they wind up on the doorstep of their father's compound, wherein the three of them are quickly reminded why they are estranged in the first place. Just as the walls are about to close in, their father packs up his brood and takes them on a road trip of his own. They join several militaria enthusiasts in a remote forest where they re-enact actual Vietnam War battles. Once in the "jungle," the three of them revert to hostile tendencies building up to a final confrontation between father and sons, leaving the audience to decide what is real and what is make believe.
Director: Andrew T. Betzer.
Cast: Gabriel Croft, Хейл Hale Lytle (Fort Apache), Jay Featherstone, Johnathan Frasier, Sandra L. Hale, Daniel P. Jones, Adrian Lemon, Ali Lynch, Pilisa Mackey.
USA, Andrew T. Betzer Film Production, 2014.
Language: English.
Download Young Bodies Heal Quickly.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Flowers in the Attic. 2014.

Цветы на чердаке / Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
 Based on V.C. Andrews' controversial cult-classic novel, "Flowers in the Attic" tells the story of the Dollanganger kids who, after the unexpected death of their father, are coerced to stay hidden in the attic of their ruthless grandmother.
Director: Deborah Chow.
Cast: Maxwell Kovach, Heather Graham, Kiernan Shipka, Ellen Burstyn, Mason Dye, Dylan Bruce, Chad Willett, Ava Telek, John Emmet Tracy, Laura Jaszcz, Beau Daniels, Don Thompson, Xantha Radley,  Ian Robison, Andrew Kavadas, B.J. Harrison, Caroline Matthews.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1024х540 HD.
Download Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
Цветы на чердаке / Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
Flowers in the Attic. 2014.

O. 2006.

О / Вода / O. 2006.
 Two people are standing in the middle of a desert, which once has been the bottom of the largest river of the world; they are looking for water.
They discover a point, being the basis of a line. During the process of their search for water, they are creating the concept of time, whereby lines inherently are being connected with it. Time is getting scarce. Speed. In what way can lines play a role in increasing speed?
Human creature shapes lines. From now on, line structures are subjected to logics and technology, as a base for the creation of his society. Points are being connected to each other, as straight as possible, as a clear conclusion. From now on, lines are guiding human being at an ever increasing velocity. An obsessed striving for rectilinearity, not knowing he is also part of a cycle.
The human being is offered a present in the form of beauty. For the first time, he discovers the curved line, sensual. He is getting aware of the sense of feeling admiration, in order to eventually return to the stream he had been looking for, the stream in its smallest unit, in its most pure form and floating in an endlessness. A drop.
As a point.
Director: Pieter-Jan De Pue.
Cast: Sidndey Kenedy de Lima Ferreira, Antonio de Oliveira Pereira, Eran De Vlam, Celestes De Vlam, Jan Haegens, Claudio Graisman, Koedn Dejaeger.
Belgium, 2006.
Language: None.
Video high quality 1024х576 HD.
Download O. 2006.
О / Вода / O. 2006.
O. 2006.

Tri vesyolye smeny. 3 series. 1977.

Tri vesyolye smeny. 3 series. 1977.
 A family three-part comedy Tri vesyolye smeny (Three Funny Sessions) is about a funny adventures of the children in a summer camp during summer vacation.
3 stories:
1. Selyuzhonok.
2. Oshibka Mikoshi.
3. Tayna Fenimora. 
Directors: Dmitri Mikhleyev, Yuri Oksachenko, Valery Pozdnyakov.
Cast: Zhora Belov, Yuriy Demich, Waléra Kanischtscheff, Olga Lysenko, Viktor Mamaev, Arkadi Markin, Yuri Medvedev, Gennadiy Ovsyannikov, Vladimir Stankevich, Oleg Tsarkov, Aleksandr Zimin.
USSR, Belarusfilm, 1977.
Language: Russian.
Tri vesyolye smeny. 3 series. 1977.
Tri vesyolye smeny. 3 series. 1977.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Anna. 2009.

Анна / Anna. 2009.
 Anna is a 12-year-old girl, living in a small fishing village. She is at a crossroad in her life. Her surroundings are changing - and so is she.
Director: Rúnar Rúnarsson.
Cast: Marie Hammer Boda, Daniel Stampe, Petrine Agger, Kristianna Nordoy, Leonora Nielsen, Henrik Noel Olesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Download Anna. 2009.
Анна / Anna. 2009.
 Anna. 2009.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.

Дерево без листьев / Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.
 The story is simple. A boy has a mother who is dedicated to him in every way, emotionally engaged and prepared for extreme sacrifice for the smallest pleasure for him. On the other side is a father so stern he makes Bergman's Scandinavian Lutherans seem mild. The mother dies when the boy is 11; all the siblings have fled and the boy at the end is stuck with his father, penniless. The thing is framed as the book the boy writes, now old and missing key parts of his soul. Lots of snow. Lots of lonely stares that contrast with the wide eyes of the boy, selfish and demanding.
It works. It works because its gentle, a gentle knife that wounds. In the west, you'd have Nick Nolte shouting. Beatings. Dark drama and loud. Here, the routineness of how bleakness seeps is much more disturbing. Everything is beautiful.
The anchor scene. There's usually one in such compositions, and here it is obvious because it is recalled a dozen times and repeated about half that. The boy and his sister are in the field playing. Tossing sandals in the air and pretending they are bats. We see the bats in their imagination as they attempt to catch them, which of course they are, continuing to keep them flying. The saintlike mother calls them for supper, which we know was painstakingly and perfectly prepared.
The children ignore her, playing with their imaginary hauntings in fun because they know they can control them. It builds and builds in resonance each occurrence, obviously the center of the movie the adult plays over and over in his head...
Director: Kaneto Shindô.
Cast: Keiju Kobayashi, Nobuko Otowa, Ichirô Zaitsu, Meiko Kaji, Kotoe Hatsui, Taiji Tonoyama, Bin Moritsuka, Rokkô Toura, Yûno Sugawara, Tokiko Miyama, Mami Okamoto, M. Shôjo, Tsuyoshi Naitô.
Japan, 1986.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Дерево без листьев / Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.
 Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.

Weasel. 2013.

Ласка / Weasel. 2013.
 Weasel, villain of fables, known for sucking out eggs and leaving shells intact. Weasel, a film concerned with man, boy, and rope.
Director: Charles Birns.
Cast: Hale Lytle (Young Bodies Heal Quickly), Michael Joseph Robinson, Robert Clohessy, Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, Jack Brennan.
USA, 2013.
Language: None.
HQ video 1280x720 HD.
Download Weasel.
Ласка / Weasel. 2013.
Weasel. 2013.

Trompeten Anton. 1981.

Trompeten Anton. 1981.
 Anton zieht mit seiner Familie in ein Hochhaus. Damit die neuen Nachbarn seine Trompetenmusik akzeptieren, muss er erst ein kleines “Wunder” mit dem Instrument vollbringen.
Director: Wolfgang Hubner.
Cast: Andreas Pfaff, Madeleine Lierck, Jurgen Heinrich, Fred Delmare, Ilse Voigt, Hans-Edgar Stecher, Carl Heinz Choynski, Ursula Staack, Dirk Rommel, Steven Dolling, Rene Albrecht, Bernard Hoffmann.
DDR, DEFA, 1981.
Language: German.
Trompeten Anton. 1981.
Trompeten Anton. 1981.

Brotherly. 2008.

Brotherly. 2008.Based on a true story of two brothers in 1970's Ohio. It tells of their abandonment by their alcoholic parents and how the brothers turned to each other for support.
Director: J.C. Oliva.

Cast: Kevin Fabian, Malcolm McRae, Mathis Fender, Jonathan Robert Kaplan, Lisa Michel.
USA, 2008.
Language: English.
Download Brotherly.
По-братски / Brotherly. 2008.
Brotherly. 2008.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Panorama. 2016.

Panorama. 2016.
Dazed by her mother's death, 9-year-old Hanali travels with her father to a remote town where she meets Rosa, a mother who recently lost her child. Under the weight of their grief, delusion takes hold - pulling the two together as they seek to find what they've lost.
Director: Virginia Urreiztieta.
Cast: Samantha Castillo, Andrés Castro, Martín Gornés, Victoria Da Silva.
Venezuela, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Panorama.
Panorama. 2016.
Panorama. 2016.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.

Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.
 NL. John Gisberts is een helikopterpiloot bij het Nederlandse leger. Samen met zijn vrouw en hun vier kinderen woont hij in een riante villa, net als de familieleden van de andere officieren. Van een warme gezinssfeer is er echter geen sprake. John zelf is amper thuis en zijn vrouw blijkt niet vies van een slippertje. Hun twee jongste zoontjes, Jan-Julius en Valentijn, krijgen geen degelijke opvoeding en de twee pubers van het gezin, Thijs en Madelon zijn het onverantwoord gedrag van hun ouders grondig beu.
EN. A peaceful family-life is suddenly disturbed when the children enter puberty. The children take over the house and ban their parents from their lives.
Director: Ruud van Hemert.
Cast: Peter Faber, Geert de Jong, Akkemay, Frank Schaafsma, Pepijn Zomer, Olivier Zomer, Rijk de Gooyer, Erik Koningsberger, Arie van Riet, Esgo Heil, Sue Ellen Somer.
Netherlands, 1984.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Schatjes! / Darlings!
Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.
Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.

Галчонок / Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.
 NL. Jojo, een levenslustige jongen van 10 uit een gebroken gezin waar de vader stemmingswisselingen heeft en de moeder afwezig is, vindt troost in een onverwachte vriendschap met een jonge kauw. Hij moet de kauw verborgen houden voor zijn vader, want die houdt er niet van dieren in huis te hebben. Jojo belt dagelijks stiekem met zijn moeder, maar vertelt haar niet over de kauw. Jojo wil zijn moeder op haar naderende verjaardag verrassen met de vogel. Jojo’s vader wil absoluut niet de verjaardag vieren van iemand die afwezig is. Omdat de vader van Jojo driftbuien heeft, moet Jojo erg oppassen. Door de speciale vriendschap met de kauw en het aanpassingsvermogen dat alleen kinderen hebben, weet Jojo de muur rond het hart van zijn vader te breken.
EN. Jojo, a lively 10-year-old with a difficult home life marked by a volatile father & an absent mother, finds solace in an abandoned baby jackdaw. Through the special friendship he builds with the bird, the wall between him & his father will be brought down.
Director: Boudewijn Koole.
Cast: Rick Lens, Loek Peters, Cahit Ölmez, Susan Radder, Ricky Koole.
Holland, 2012.
Language: Dutch, Russian.
Галчонок / Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.
Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.

Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
 NL. De Honger’ heet die nieuwe film. Aanvankelijk was de naam ‘1963. Het verhaal speelt zich ook in 1963, meer bepaalde op een een woensdagnamiddag, op 29 mei om precies te zijn. Die namiddag gaan drie jongetjes spelen in de duinen. Hun spel wordt onderbroken wanneer ze een ontdekking doen die hun leven voorgoed zal veranderen. Een ontdekking ook die ze altijd geheim zullen houden.
EN. Wednesday afternoon, 29 May, 1963. Three boys are playing soldiers in the vast dunes of the Flemish coast. When one of them finds his sister making love deep in the dunes, their brother-sister relationship is put severely to the test.
Director: Benoit de Clerck.
Cast: Vincent Collin, Dorien De Clippel, Griet De Wolf, Carlos Dewulf, Mathias Van Mieghem, Daan Roofthooft, Julian-Benjamin Lens.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
Download De Honger / The Hunger.
Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Salamandra. 2008.

Саламандра / Salamandra. 2008.
 Argentina during military dictatorship in the early 80s: Hoping for a new life after being released from prison, Alba takes her six-year-old son Inti with her to a remote hippie village in the foothills of the Andes. She settles in the house of a deceased physician and indulges in marijuana and free love. Inti, looking for support, and the other children in the community are on their own. Finally, Alba no longer endures the wild, chaotic life in the community. She emerges a small cabin without water and electricity. Threatened and humiliated by local peasant children, mother and son try to establish themselves under simplest conditions and make a new life for themselves.
Director: Pablo Aguero.
Cast: Joaquin Aguila, Dolores Fonzi, Nazareno Altamirano, Abatar Bregonzi, John Cale, David Catriman, Ruben Cobos, Maria Paz Cousigno, Julia de Osuna, Nehuen Diaz.
France, Argentina, Germany, 2008.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: French.
Саламандра / Salamandra. 2008.
Salamandra. 2008.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.

Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.
 A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.
Director: Pier Giuseppe Murgia.
Cast: Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, shepherd Xylot.
Italy, Germany, 1977.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Format : DVD5 / 720x576
Duration : 91 min
File Size : 4330 MB
Download DVD Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love.
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Paul et Virginie. 2014.

Поль и Виргиния / Paul et Virginie. 2014.
 Paul lives alone with his mother Virginie. Weakened by disease, she is unable to go about their daily life anymore. Paul, driven by the unbreakable bond of love that exists between him and his mother, tries to take matters into his own hands.
Director: Paul Cartron.
Cast: Igor van Dessel, Edith Van Malder, Laurence Warin,
Belgium, 2014.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD.
Download Paul et Virginie.
Поль и Виргиния / Paul et Virginie. 2014.
Paul et Virginie. 2014.

Friday, August 11, 2017

A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.

A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.
Documentary author's cinema about a simple Russian family, the drama of life and how love, even in such inhuman conditions, wins out all the abomination of the situation. An independent view of the drama of life, controversial and ambiguous, but that is the whole value of this film. 
Director: Alexander Malinin.
Russia, 2005.
Language: Russian.
Download DVD A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches.
A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.
A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.

El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.

Четвертый / El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.
 ES. Simón es un joven de 12 años que perdió a su padre en un accidente automovilístico. Enfrenta la difícil relación con su profesor, que ahora sale con su madre. Pero las intenciones de su nuevo padre no son tan buenas como parecen. Los oscuros secretos que encierra este siniestro personaje ponen en riesgo a Simón y Sara, su madre, tendrá que abrir los ojos para darse cuenta de lo que lo está pasando antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
EN. A thriller about the dark and dangerous secrets shared by a 12 year old boy, his new teacher and the school principal, a catholic priest. Months after the death of his father, Simon discovers the affair his Mother is having with a charming but enigmatic new teacher. The boy discovers the teacher's intentions and his dark secrets, but with his mother in love, it seams there is nothing he can do to show her that their lives are in danger.
Director: Gustavo Torres Gil.
Cast: Manuel Bautista, Claudia Cadavid, Gavo Figueira, Natalia Morales, Glenmi Rodríguez, Antonio Santana, Julio Sastoque, Mateo Silva, Kevin Towers, Carlos E. Velásquez.
Colombia, 2008.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Download El cuarto / The Fourth.
Четвертый / El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.
El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Kompis. 2014.

Kompis. 2014.
 Kent only has his buddy Thomas, but that doesn’t mean he is a good friend for that reason. But today something happens that will change their relationship forever.
Director: Mads Eriksen.
Cast: Jone Kalvig Egdetveit, Bjarne Fiskå-Andersen, Emma Aasland, Asbjørn Røen Halsten.
Norway, 2014.
Language: Norwegian.
1920x1024 HD.
Download Kompis.
Kompis. 2014.
Kompis. 2014.

Monday, August 7, 2017

A Home of Our Own. 1975.

Наш собственный дом / A Home of Our Own. 1975.
 A priest, Father Wasson who is assigned at a mostly mexican town meets some orphans. He decides to make a home for them. He takes keen interest in a boy named Julio, who's a little belligerent. But Father Wasson thinks that he is just acting out cause his parents are dead. He would grow up and become a doctor. One day his wife and daughter are killed. He then goes to visit his old home and Father Wasson.
Director: Robert Day.
Cast: Jason Miller, Pancho Cordova, Guillermo San Juan, Enrique Novi, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Richard Angarola, Carmen Zapata, Farnesio de Bernal, Rosario Alvarez, Nancy Rodman, Roland Rios, Arturo Rodriguez Doring.
USA, 1975.
Download A Home of Our Own.
Наш собственный дом / A Home of Our Own. 1975.
A Home of Our Own. 1975.

Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.

Летние игры / Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.
 The story of an adult and a teenage couple during a brief summer holiday by the sea. While Nic's parents remain trapped in a precarious mutual dependency despite repeated attempts at reconciliation, their 12-year-old son tries to come to terms with his father's traumatizing violent outbursts in games with other children. He tries to teach Marie, who is of his age and suffers from her own relationship with her father, to feel nothing. In fact, both of them are transformed by their experience of the joys and pains of first love. A film about the first steps towards a life of one's own.
Director: Rolando Colla.
Cast: Fiorella Campanella, Armando Condolucci, Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone, Roberta Fossile, Marco D'Orazi, Aaron Hitz, Monica Cervini, Francesco Huang, Chiara Scolari, Giorgio Gobbi.
Switzerland, France, 2011.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Giochi d'estate / Summer Games.
Летние игры / Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.
 Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.

Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. 1971.

Свит Свитбэк: Песня мерзавца / Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. 1971.
 Melvin Van Peebles wrote, directed, produced, edited, composed and starred in this powerful and inflammatory attack on White America. After the body of a black man is discovered, Sweetback helps two white 'acquaintances' in the police force to look good by agreeing to go with them to the station as a suspect. But he is forced to go on the run after brutally attacking the two policemen when they arrest and beat up a young black man.
In the archive, along with the movie, are additional materials (Extras) from the DVD edition - an interview with the director and colorful story about the filming.
Director: Melvin Van Peebles.
Cast: Melvin Van Peebles, Simon Chuckster, Hubert Scales, John Dullaghan, West Gale, Niva Rochelle, Rhetta Hughes, Nick Ferrari, Ed Rue, John Amos, Lavelle Roby, Mario Van Peebles.
USA, 1971.
Language: English.
Download Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. 1971.
Свит Свитбэк: Песня мерзавца / Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. 1971.
 Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. 1971.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Лято в бяло / A Summer in White. 1988.

Лето в белом / Лято в бяло / A Summer in White. 1988.
 BG. „Лято в бяло" е български игрален филм (приключенски филм) от 1988 година на режисьора Александър Раковски, по сценарий на Волен Николаев. Оператори са Стефан Христов и Захари Мулетаров. Музиката във филма е композирана от Тодор Филков.
Четири момчета от централен софийски квартал се сприятеляват със странния художник Гоген, който си ремонтира яхтата между кооперациите и си навлича гнева на кварталния председател. Те му помагат с каквото могат и когато яхтата е готова и транспортирана до Созопол, момчетата последват художника...
EN. A summer themed tale of a group of school boys living in the capital who help an older neighbor build a boat. When the summer comes and the boat is transported to the sea, they join the neighbor and experience many adventures together.
Director: Александър Раковски / Aleksandar Rakovski.
Cast: Mikhail Boyadzhiev, Viktor Markov, Bogdan Marichkov, Mario Petrov, Georgi Novakov, Svetla Dionisieva, Ivan Obretenov, Yordanka Kuzmanova, Plamen Donchev, Silva Avramova, Dimitar Milev, Georgi Penchev, Eva Sharkova.
Bulgaria, 1988.
Language: Bulgarian.
Download Лято в бяло / A Summer in White.
Лето в белом / Лято в бяло / A Summer in White. 1988.
Лято в бяло / A Summer in White. 1988.

Den pro mou lásku / Day for My Love. 1976.

День моей любви / Den pro mou lásku / Day for My Love. 1976.
 Režisér Juraj Herz tentokrát překvapil citově působivým příběhem o manželské dvojici, která se musí vyrovnat s tragickou událostí, které ničivě zasáhla do jejího soužití. Režiséru se podařilo i v časech vypjaté normalizace vyprávění zbavit jakýchkoli politických odkazů, hrdinové si žijí jakoby navzdory době, uzavírajíce se do svého soukromí, do svých radostí i strastí... Všimneme si téměř karnevalového veselí, když i s kamarády podnikají bezmála happeningové akce, smyslem pro nenápadné postižení všední tváře velkoměsta (podíl kameramana Jiřího Macháně na lyrizaci obrazu je nesporný). Režisér nikde nepodlehl svodům melodramatu, příběh líčí střízlivě i emočně vypjaté scény. Film upoutal na svou dobu odvážnou, byť něžně natočenou milostnou scénou.
Director: Juraj Herz.
В ролях: Marta Vančurová, Vlastimil Harapes, Sylva Kamenická, Jiřina Šejbalová, Dana Medřická, Eva Sitteová, Lubomír Černík, Žofie Veselá (Kanyzová), Jan Hartl, Eva Svobodová, Emma Černá, Milada Černá, Jaroslav Heyduk, Libuše Salabová, Zdeněk Srstka, Dagmar Veškrnová-Havlová, Petr Kratochvíl, Václav Vodák, Jiří Zoubek, Milena Kaplická, Magdalena Pakostová, Gabriela Wilhelmová, Marta Richterová, Jindra Kvardová, Jaroslava Tichá, Kateřina Besserová, Šárka Jerieová, Renata Schindlerová, Markéta Světlíková, Jitka Zimová, Vladimír Čech ml., Jan Fišar, Pavel Hekela, Jiří Knot, Jaromír Meduna, Antonín Procházka, Marcel Vašinka, Věra Barešová, Jarka Čapková, Vanda Čehovská, Anna Schugerová, Daniela Smyczková.
Czechoslovakia, 1976.

Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian, English, Czech.
Download Den pro mou lásku / Day for My Love.
День моей любви / Den pro mou lásku / Day for My Love. 1976.
 Den pro mou lásku / Day for My Love. 1976.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Lucie a zázraky. 1970.

Люси и чудеса / Lucie a zázraky. 1970.
Moderní pohádka o tom, co všechno se může stát, když po světě běhá obživlý růžový plyšový pes. Pohádku o pětileté Lucii z dětského domova, které obživlý plyšový pes Laurel Hardy Růžovej (podle Lucie Raulohadry Růžovej), pomůže najít maminku, natočil v roce 1970 jako svůj samostatný režijní debut Ota Koval. Pokusil se spojit dnešní svět se světem němé grotesky a vytvořil tím jakousi obdobu staré crazy komedie. Vznikl tak film, jak si režisér přál, který není určen výhradně dětem. Titulní postavu vytvořila půvabná čtyřletá Viktorie Čermáková a ústřední dvojici dospělých si s chutí zahráli zpěvačka Naďa Urbánková a Jan Tříska.
Director: Ota Koval.
Cast: Naďa Urbánková, Jan Tříska, Viktorie Čermáková, Bohuš Záhorský, Regina Rázlová, Helena Růžičková, Karel Vrtiška, Karel Kmoch, Jiří Stránský, Eugen Jegorov, Tomáš Zemek, Ladislav Šimek, Petr Patera, Ctibor Turba, Václav Halama, Miloslav Štibich, Leoš Suchařípa, Jaroslav Tomsa, Jiří Kasík, Kajetán Maudr, Vít Pešina, Jaroslav Toms, Ivana Nováková, Jiří Ondroušek, Jan Vyčítal, Milan Charvát, Václav Vondra, Monika Kombercová, Zdeněk Svěrák, Karel Engel, Zdeněk Hess, Antonín Kryl, Josef Skrčený.
Czechoslovakia, 1970.
Language: Czech.
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Люси и чудеса / Lucie a zázraky. 1970.
Lucie a zázraky. 1970.