Forum Cinema Paradiso

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Other Side of the Underneath. 1972.

Обратная сторона дна / The Other Side of the Underneath. 1972.

The film is based on director Arden's "A New Communion for Freaks, Prophets and Witches", a play she staged with the Holocaust women's theatre troupe. It is comprised of a number of different episodes, each exploring a specific theme – female exploitation, voyeurism, sexual deprivation, etc. The Other Side is also a reflection of its creator's brush with madness.
The key concept behind The Other Side is intriguing. The film argues that madness is part of a cycle that leads to sanity. It also stresses that this complex process is often misunderstood by those who have never experienced madness. Cultural and societal taboos are cited amongst the main reasons for its existence.
The Other Side is also a radical feminist film, one that does not shy away from promoting chaos as a form of liberation. Purely political statements, however, are not part of the film's narrative.
Viewers unfamiliar with director Arden's legacy will undoubtedly be shocked with The Other Side. This is an extreme piece of cinema, which I suspect even the most liberal of viewers may find difficult to tolerate. There is a sense of anger in it that borders nihilism in its most pure form.
The Other Side is a film Dusan Makavejev would have loved to direct. It is controversial, provocative and very, very disturbing. Highly Recommended.
Director: Jane Arden.
Cast: Sheila Allen, Jane Arden, Jack Bond, Liz Danciger, Elaine Donovan, Susanka Fraey, Ann Lynn, Sally Minford, Jenny Moss, Penny Slinger.
United Kingdom, 1972.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download The Other Side of the Underneath.

Обратная сторона дна / The Other Side of the Underneath. 1972.

Обратная сторона дна / The Other Side of the Underneath. 1972.
The Other Side of the Underneath. 1972.

Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal. 1981.

Девочка на побегушках / Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal. 1981
 NO. En familie i oppløsning, sett gjennom datterens øyne.
Familien er Vibeke Løkkebergs tema. I filmene blir vi kjent med familier som kjemper, ofte mot seg selv. Løkkeberg lar kameraet gli ned til de uskyldige og svakeste i konfliktene, barna. Løperjenten er en slik film.
Lille Kamilla bor i etterkrigstidens Bergen. Hennes far, Sverre Konradsen (Helge Jordal), er en konkurs fabrikkeier som vil til Amerika for å starte på ny. Med seg på planene får han Siri, en ung kvinne som overtar både arbeid og sengeplass, mens kona Lisa (Løkkeberg) blir overlatt til den finere kjøpmannen Nilsen. Han er også interessert i pengene Sverre tjente under krige
Dette er en hjerteskjærende, vakker og rystende skildring av etterkrigstidens Bergen, sett gjennom lille Kamillas øyne, laget av en av Norges mest særegne regissører. Filmen ble i 1995 satt på UNESCOs liste over Norges 15 mest betydningsfulle filmer.
EN. 1. Betrayal is set in Bergen in the year 1948. Seven-year-old Kamilla (Løkkeberg) growing up in Bergen, Norway just after the 2nd world war, is trying to deal with the father's adultery and mother's deep depression, as she befriends a boy. This endangers her.
2. Kamilla was originally released in Sweden in 1981, then made the specialty-house rounds in the US four years later. Nina Knapskog is astonishingly perceptive as the 7-year-old daughter of bitterly battling parents. Seeking an escape from the vitriol, Nina develops of friendship with a lonely little boy. Together the kids form a united front against the nastiness and callousness of the rest of the world. Echoes of the earlier child's eye view foreign classic Forbidden Games are inescapable, but the sheer virtuosity of Kamilla enables it to stand on its own lofty merits.
Director: Vibeke Løkkeberg.
Cast: Nina Knapskog, Kenneth Johansen, Helge Jordal, Vibeke Løkkeberg, Cato Alvær, Borge Berggreen, Charles Alvær, Torunn Berggreen, Johnny Bergh, Philip J. Borgli, Karin Zetlitz Haerem.
Norway, 1981.
Attention: the film without the sound track.
Subtitles: Norwegian.
Download Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal.

Девочка на побегушках / Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal. 1981

Девочка на побегушках / Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal. 1981
Løperjenten / Kamilla / Betrayal. 1981

Rzeka kłamstwa / River of Lies. 1987.

Река лжи / Rzeka kłamstwa / River of Lies. 1987.
 Scenariusz serialu oparto na motywach cyklu powieściowego Ewy Szelburg-Zarembiny. Osobiste dramaty ludzi pochodzących z ubogich warstw społecznych są ukazane na tle ruchów niepodległościowych i rewolucyjnych w zaborze rosyjskim na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Film przedstawia ich walkę o przetrwanie przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu godności. Jest to też opowieść o rodowodzie znacznej części polskiej inteligencji. Główną bohaterką serialu jest Joanna, osierocona dziewczynka, uparcie poszukująca szczęścia, której życie przypadło na czas burzliwych wydarzeń historycznych, w których uczestniczyli Polacy, od rewolucji 1905 do I wojny światowej. Małą Joannę gra Jowita Miondlikowska. W roli Joanny już nieco starszej zadebiutowała i odniosła sukces Joanna Trzepiecińska, wówczas studentka III roku szkoły teatralnej.
Director: Jan Łomnicki.
Cast: Jowita Miondlikowska, Marzena Trybała, Marta Klubowicz, Alicja Migulanka, Krystyna Feldman, Grzegorz Wons, Waldemar Kownacki, Hanna Skarżanka, Jacek Kawalec, Jan Tesarz, Leonard Andrzejewski.
Poland, 1987.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Rzeka kłamstwa / River of Lies.
Река лжи / Rzeka kłamstwa / River of Lies. 1987.
Rzeka kłamstwa / River of Lies. 1987.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Teenage caveman. 2002.

Троглодиты / Teenage caveman. 2002.
 Teenage Caveman is a 2002 science fiction-horror film directed by controversial filmmaker Larry Clark. It was made as part of a series of low-budget made-for-television movies loosely inspired by B movies that Samuel Z. Arkoff had produced for AIP.
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.
Director: Larry Clark.
Cast: Andrew Keegan, Tara Subkoff, Richard Hillman, Tiffany Limos, Stephen Jasso, Crystal Celeste Grant, Shan Elliot, Hayley Keenan, Paul Hipp, David Stifel, David Monzingo.
USA, 2002.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Teenage caveman.
Троглодиты / Teenage caveman. 2002.
Teenage caveman. 2002.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Die Störenfriede. 1953.

Нарушители спокойствия / Die Störenfriede. 1953.
 DE. Die Schüler Franz und Schorsch sind der Schrecken aller Lehrer. Ständig zu Unfug aufgelegt, stören sie den Unterricht. Der Rest der Klasse sieht tatenlos zu. Nur die neue Mitschülerin Vera ist entsetzt und versucht, den Jungen ins Gewissen zu reden - ergebnislos. Erst mit Hilfe ihres Vaters findet sie einen Weg, den Tatendrang der Jungen in sinnvolle Bahnen zu lenken: Sie entdeckt deren Interesse für Eisenbahnen und organisiert für die Klasse eine Besichtigung des Lokomotivwerkes der Stadt.
EN. Schorsch and Franz are two rascals who are full of mischief and constantly tease both their teachers and their fellow pupils. Vera, the new classmate, decides to put her foot down and bring an end to the poor situation. With skill, patience and the help of the other pioneers she finds out about the troublemaker’s love for miniature trains and tries to direct their redundant energy onto the right track. However, Vera and her pioneers have to overcome some resistance before Schorsch and Franz finally change their behavior and become better classmates.
Director: Wolfgang Schleif.
Cast: Edgar Bennert, Sonja Haacker, Charlotte Küter, Erich Mirek, Maria Rouvel, Aribert Grimmer, Manfred Borges, Elisabeth Albrecht, Jürgen Bartholdi, Maria Besendahl, Gerhard Fürstenau.
DDR, DEFA, 1953.
Language: German, Russian.
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Нарушители спокойствия / Die Störenfriede. 1953.
Die Störenfriede. 1953.

Friday, June 23, 2017

L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.

Лето моего брата / L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.
 IT. Verona, 1970. Il novenne Sergio è figlio unico ed è molto amato dai suoi genitori, non ha amici ma è dotato di una immaginazione tanto fervida che gli permette di divertirsi anche da solo. Le cose per lui iniziano a cambiare quando, durante un'estate trascorsa in campagna, mamma e papà gli annunciano che ben presto avrà la compagnia di un fratellino. Sergio è sconvolto e ha paura di perdere la vita idilliaca che ha condotto finora, così inizia a fantasticare sui vari modi in cui potrebbe eliminare il piccolo in arrivo. Purtroppo la madre perde il bimbo che attende e Sergio viene assalito dai sensi di colpa poiché convinto che la responsabilità sia sua. Immagini ossessionanti del fratellino 'fantasma' iniziano a perseguitarlo fino a che Sergio impara ad accettarne la presenza e i due diventano inseparabili compagni di giochi per tutta la durata della vacanza. Alla fine dell'estate Sergio abbandona il suo amico immaginario che qualche anno più tardi però si rifà vivo.
EN. When Sergio learns that he will soon have a baby brother, his imagination kicks into gear in devious and alarming ways. But when his mother suffers a miscarriage, Sergio's feelings of guilt are all too real.
Director: Pietro Reggiani.
Cast: Davide Veronese, Tommaso Ferro, Maria Paiato, Pietro Bontempo, Beatrice Panizzolo, Davide Zaramella, Alberta Zangiacomi, Giacomo Dusi, Elisa Mutto, Roberta Sferzi, Teddy Giuliani, Sabrina Modenini.
Italy, 2005.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer.
Лето моего брата / L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.
 L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.

Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.

 Alfons Zitterbacke ist ein liebenswerter Pechvogel. Eigentlich mochte er immer alles richtig machen und den anderen helfen, eckt aber gerade dadurch uberall an. Er traumt viel, spinnt ein bisschen, lasst sich nicht alles gefallen, hat einen eigenen Kopf und manchmal eine grosse Klappe. So versucht er sich als Tierparkdirektor, Geschenkeerfinder oder als Kosmonaut, aber immer geht alles schief. Doch Alfons ist immer Herr der Lage, auch wenn es manchmal nicht so aussieht. – Gerade alle seine lustigen Pannen und die haarstraubenden Situationen, in die sich der kleine Tollpatsch bringt, machen aus ihm ein unheimlich liebenswerten Fernsehhelden. Freuen Sie sich auf ein Wiedersehen mit den Fernsehhelden Ihrer Kindheit – zeitlos, liebevoll gemacht und immer noch aktuell!
Director: Andreas Schreiber.
 Cast: Enrico Lubbe / Alfons Zitterbacke, Cornelia Lippert, Haiko Nieland, Juliane Pahl, Thomas Thal, Ute Lubosc / Mutter Zitterbacke, Jurgen Reuter / Vater Zitterbacke.
DDR, 1986.
Language: German.
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Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.
Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Brecha. 2009.

Разрыв / Брешь / Brecha. 2009.
 Brecha is a particularly vivid and realistic portrayal of the emotional rupture between a father recently released from jail and his 12 year old son, following a dark family tragedy that no one has strength enough to confront. Herself victim of the same in-communication, the boys grandmother tries her level best at normalizing their lives. However, not counting on the fathers incapacity at forgetting the past, and his sons increasingly peculiar behaviour. All three of them awkwardly attempt to plug the rift, only to worsen the situation with every try, leading them slowly to the brink of a new and permanent - disaster.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Francisco Alfonsin, José Ramón Lafita, Lola Mendoza, Maica Sanchez, Benito Cordero, Carmen Caro Quinones, Manuel Pazos, Victoria Romero de Torre, Asencio Salas.
Spain, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download Brecha. 2009.
Разрыв / Брешь / Brecha. 2009.
 Brecha. 2009.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Turning. 2010.

Turning. 2010.
On his sixth birthday Robert receives three beautiful old birds in his mother’s sitting room. A memory of an afternoon visualized through his eyes, with free spirited imagination - soaring and naive yet wonderfully dark. A gift scuttles across the floor... blue icing is nibbled, tea is sipped, lacey slips shifted, and between knobbly knees strange visions appear. The ladies weave an extraordinary tale of an emperor with no skin which grows like a vine and while the boy himself, older and wiser for his age, adds his own ending...
Through the eyes of young boy, we see the afternoon on his sixth birthday when he is visited by three old ladies bearing gifts and telling the story of an emperor with no skin. Imagination runs wild in this surreal and fantastical short film with beautifully dark cinematography and playfully grotesque images.
Turning was produced in 2009 as part of the BBC Film Network’s BBC Drama Shorts.
Directors: Karni Arieli, Saul Freed.
Cast: Patrick Gibbs, Natasha Alderslade, Maureen Wild, Audrey Holt, Carol Kirkland, Agnes Davidson, Emily Duggan, Inma Azorin, Lily Mai Holloway.
UK, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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Turning. 2010.
Turning. 2010.

The Milky Way. 2006.

The Milky Way. 2006.
Seemingly alone in his father's sleek Manhattan apartment, motherless Oliver is woken by the sounds of sex, and quickly finds that his father has brought home a young woman. Oliver then embarks on a mission to seduce her into becoming his mother. After a successful ambush, Oliver convinces the nameless woman to sit with him while he draws her portrait; he soon discovers that she too grew up in the absence of a parent. The two make a connection that triggers a sexual awakening in Oliver, blurring the lines between sexual desire and maternal longing. Their union is tested when Oliver's father discovers their association.
Director: Sean Bloch.
Cast: James Blanshard, Samantha Jacober, Sean White.
USA, 2006.
Language: English.
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The Milky Way. 2006.
The Milky Way. 2006.

Friday, June 16, 2017

En garde. 2004.

К бою! / Ан Гард / En garde. 2004.
DE. Alice (Maria Kwiatkowsky) ist 16, als sie von ihrer Mutter in ein katholisches Erziehungsheim gesteckt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich sehr von den lauten, aufsässigen Mädchen dort - vor allem durch ihr hypersensibles Hörvermögen, durch das sie ihre Umwelt differenzierter, aber auch bedrohlicher wahrnimmt als die anderen. Das kurdische Mädchen Berivan (Pinar Erincin), das im Heim auf den positiven Bescheid ihres Asylantrages wartet, wirbt um Vertrauen der introvertierten Alice - und die beiden nähern sich an. Doch die Freundschaft droht zu zerbrechen, als Berivan sich in Ilir (Luk Piyes) verliebt. Plötzlich eskaliert die Situation im Heim auf dramatische Art und Weise...
EN. Alice is 16 years old and an introverted girl with a special ability: she hears extraordinary good. When her mother sends her to a Catholic foster home, she remains an outsider in a group of self-confident teenage girls. Only Berivan, a Kurdish refugee who seeks for asylum in Germany, tries to learn more about Alice. They finally become close friends, but Berivan's relationship to an Albanian guy destroys the girls' friendship...
Director: Ayse Polat.
Cast: Maria Kwiatkowsky, Pinar Erincin, Luk Piyes, Antje Westermann, Geno Lechner, Julia Mahnecke, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Sonia De Martino, Rita Grote, Young-Shin Kim, Rosa-Luisa Grützmann.
Germany, 2004.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Russian.
К бою! / Ан Гард / En garde. 2004.
En garde. 2004.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Adieu, mon ami. 1996.

Adieu mon ami / Прощай, мой друг.
 Germany, WWII: 10-year old Dagmar has just lost her beloved twin brother Doug and her family through a bomb attack. Together with a young girl who worked in the bakery of Dagmar's parents they escape to Bavaria and find shelter at some far relatives of Dagmar's family. The little girl just doesn't feel comfortable in the strange family but soon finds a good friend: Laurent, a 17-year old French alien employee. Laurent is tormented by August, the "head of the family", but cannot defend himself because as soon as he causes a conflict he will be sent into an approved school in France which is even worse. Dagmar and Laurent become very close and become almost like brother and sister, they are all they have and Dagmar even falls a bit in love with Laurent. One day August sees how Laurent hugs Dagmar, he provokes a conflict and at the end Laurent is sent back to France...
Director: Franz Peter Wirth.
Cast: Constanze Engelbrecht, Julie Engelbrecht, Hans Kremer, Jens Harzer, Petra Berndt, Luise Deschauer, Heinz Ehrenfreund, Heike Falkenberg, Wega Jahnke, Jorg Panknin.
Germany, 1996.
Language: German.
Download Adieu, mon ami.
Adieu mon ami / Прощай, мой друг.
Adieu, mon ami. 1996.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Unternehmen Geigenkasten / Operation Violin Case. 1985.

Операция "Скрипичный футляр" / Unternehmen Geigenkasten / Operation Violin Case. 1985.
 DE. Der zehnjährige Ole ist ein erfinderischer Junge. Als er unter Mithilfe seines besten Freundes Andreas versucht, mit einem Drachen zu fliegen, stürzt er ab und bricht sich ein Bein. Im Krankenhaus sieht er den Film Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes war und hat zum Leidwesen seiner Eltern sofort ein neues Betätigungsfeld gefunden: Er will Detektiv Sherlock Holmes werden, während Andreas als Dr. Watson assistieren soll. Ole versucht zunächst, im Supermarkt Kunden beim Diebstahl zu erwischen, doch sind alle ehrlich. Auf dem Heimweg werden er und Andreas Zeugen eines Zusammenstoßes zwischen einem Auto- und einen Fahrradfahrer. Ihnen fällt auf, dass der Fahrradfahrer einen falschen Bart trägt und so folgen sie ihm, misstrauisch geworden, bis zu einem Firmengelände. Der Mann besteigt einen Kleintransporter und fährt davon.
EN. Ten years old Ole often gets in trouble for his crazy ideas. Just released from hospital after an attempt to fly with home-made wings, he becomes witness of a traffic accident. He observes that one of the men has a false beard, which makes him suspicious. Together with his best friend Andreas he will investigate the case in the manner of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
Director: Gunter Friedrich.
Cast: Alexander Heidenreich, Dirk Bartsch, Peggy Steiner, Matthias Krohse, Swetlana Schönfeld, Gert Grasse, Renate Heymer, Hilmar Baumann, Peter Bause, Dietmar Burkhard, Gesine Laatz, Hartmut Schreier, Andreas Schumann.
DDR, DEFA, 1985.
Операция "Скрипичный футляр" / Unternehmen Geigenkasten / Operation Violin Case. 1985.
Unternehmen Geigenkasten / Operation Violin Case. 1985.

O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002. Episode 2.

Потерянная любовь / O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002.CZ. Devítidílný televizní seriál O ztracené lásce byl natočen podle stejnojmenné knihy a scénáře Evy Hudečkové. Říši krále Skrčka z Fištrónu postihne prokletí, jedno neštěstí stíhá druhé, lidská srdce se naplní bezohledností a krutostí, ztracen je i královský syn Pravoslav. To všechno způsobilo zpupné rozhodnutí krále vykázat ze země lásku jako nepotřebnou a bezvýznamnou věc. Naději pro budoucnost přináší venkovské děvčátko Honza. Přestože jí sudičky daly do vínku mnoho požehnaných vlastností, neuchrání ji od osudových ran a bolesti. Musí projít mnoha těžkými zkouškami, je stíhaná spíš zlem než dobrem, stává se terčem zášti a zloby. Honza se ale odmítá podřídit zlu a nenávisti, hledá ve svém srdci lásku jako jedinou možnou cestu k ostatním lidem. Snaží se zachránit osud milovaného prince Pravoslava i celé země, často se ocitá v nebezpečí smrti, když se obětuje pro jiné. Její strastiplnou pouť provázejí pohádkové bytosti, často stejně nevyzpytatelné jako lidé, s nimiž se na životní pouti potkává. Šťastný konec vše napraví, je však draze vykoupen a cesta k němu vede peklem.
The nine-part fairy tale serial narrates a dramatic, emotional story about a girl living in a world full of envy, anger and hatred. Though unloved and scorned, the girl sets out on a struggle against evil in order to free a prince held in prison, although her fate puts the hardest obstacles in her way. She often finds herself in mortal danger both in the human world and in the realm of fairy tales while sacrificing herself for others. In the end she finds out that „her prince“ has always been nearby. The real-life story is interwoven with uncommon fairy tale elements and fantasy figures. The fairy tale characters and the factual background create genuine artistic scenery, an integral part of the final form of the story. The extraordinary cast with many outstanding Czech, Slovak and Polish actors promises viewer success for this serial.
Director: Viktor Polesný, Josef Novák-Wajda.

Cast: Danica Jurčová, Zlata Adamovská, Jiřina Bohdalová, Vladimír Dlouhý, Zdeněk Dušek, Arnošt Goldflam, Hana Gregorová, Jiří Krejčík, Jiří Langmajer, Svatopluk Skopal, Michał Sieczkowski, Simona Stašová, Agnieszka Wagner, Zuzana Vejvodová, Nikol Štíbrová, Lucie Bílá, Jan Vlasák, Kateřina Brožová, Jana Janěková, Michal Novotný, Alena Sasínová-Polarczyk, Kristýna Frejová, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Michaela Doubravová, Tereza Němcová, Daniel Margolius, Zuzana Norisová, Daniela Šinkorová, Kristina Bastienová-Kloubková, Otakar Brousek st., Martin Sitta, Eva Nosálková-Leinweberová, Apolena Veldová, Michal Przebinda, Ondřej Brousek, Chantal Poullain-Polívková, Zdena Studenková, Anna Cónová, Richard Krajčo, Roman Skamene.
Czech Republic, 2002.

Потерянная любовь / O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002.
O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002. Episode 2.

Vnimanie, cherepakha! / Attention, Turtle! 1970.

Внимание, черепаха! / Vnimanie, cherepakha! / Attention, Turtle! 1970.
EN. Set in 1970's Soviet Union, the story follows a group of young children and a pet turtle. When one of the children becomes ill and taken to hospital, his turtle falls into the hands of two mischievous boys who test the turtle's indestructible shell. A group of girls spring the sick boy from the institution and a race ensues to rescue the poor creature out from under the treads of a Soviet tank!
Director: Rolan Bykov.
Cast: Aleksei Yershov, Andrei Samotolkin, Mikhail Martirosyan, Galina Budanova, Yelena Ryabukhina, Galina Verbitskaya, Maryana Smirnova, Aleksey Batalov, Iren Azer, Liliyan Malkina, Rolan Bykov, Aleksei Tolubeyev, Natalya Baksheyeva.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1970.
Внимание, черепаха! / Vnimanie, cherepakha! / Attention, Turtle! 1970.
Vnimanie, cherepakha! / Attention, Turtle! 1970.

Mushketyory 4 "А" / Musketeers 4 "А". 1972.

Мушкетеры 4 "А" / Musketeers 4 "А". 1972.
 Soviet Short about the pioneer summer - adventures of four school friends during the holidays in a fishing village somewhere on the banks of the Dnieper...
Director: Valentin Kozachkov.
Cast: Boris Melnikov, Edik Orlov, Galya Budanova, Galya Verbitskaya, Andrey Samotolkin.
USSR, Odessa Film Studio, 1972.
Download Mushketyory 4 "А" / Musketeers 4 "А".
Мушкетеры 4 "А" / Musketeers 4 "А". 1972.
Mushketyory 4 "А" / Musketeers 4 "А". 1972.

Wir kaufen eine Feuerwehr. 1970.

Мы покупаем пожарную машину / Wir kaufen eine Feuerwehr. 1970.
DE. Der kleine Matti ist einsam: Er hat keine Spielkameraden und in den Kindergarten darf er laut DDR-Bestimmung auch nicht gehen, da seine Mutter wegen der neugeborenen Zwillinge ohnehin zu Hause ist. Eines Tages aber lernt Matti den sympathischen Herrn Clasen kennen. Er nimmt den Jungen mit in seine Autowerkstatt, die fur Matti mit ihren zahllosen Autoteilen und Werkzeugen zu einer echten Spielwiese wird. Als der kleine Kerl auf einem Schrottplatz einen ausrangierten Feuerwehrwagen entdeckt, kauft der wohlhabende Clasen das Fahrzeug und macht es mit Unterstutzung seiner Lehrlinge und der Nachbarskinder wieder flott. Und zu guter Letzt kommt die illustre "Feuerwehrtruppe" sogar zu einem echten Einsatz...
EN. Little Matti is lonely. He does not have any playmates, and due to the GDR’s policy he is not allowed to attend kindergarten, since his mother stays at home anyway to take care of the newborn twins. One day, Matti meets the charming Mr. Clasen. He takes the boy to his garage, which turns out to be a wonderful playground for Matti. When the little fellow detects a discarded fire engine on a junkyard, the wealthy Clasen buys the vehicle and fixes it with the help of his apprentices and the neighbor’s children. Eventually, the illustrious "fire brigade" is employed in a real operation. 
Director: Hans Kratzert.
Cast: Erwin Geschonneck, Lars Pelschus, Friedel Nowack, Petra Kelling, Jaecki Schwarz, Madeleine Lierck, Karin Poloni, Holger Mahlich, Hans-Joachim Stiegler, Otto Krieg-Helbig, Thomas Lück.
DDR, DEFA, 1970.
Мы покупаем пожарную машину / Wir kaufen eine Feuerwehr. 1970.
Wir kaufen eine Feuerwehr. 1970.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011.

NO. Det er noen voksne som ikke tror man kan bli forelsket når man bare går i femte klasse. Men det kan man. Jørgen + Anne = sant fikk femmere av et samlet norsk kritikerkorps, og er en varm barnefilm for hele familien.
Ti år gamle Anne Lunde har aldri brydd seg om forelskelse. Inntil hun møter den nye gutten i klassen, Jørgen Ruge. I tillegg har han flyttet inn i det forlatte og mystiske Helgahuset. Et hus som rommer mange hemmeligheter og et rykte om at Helga ble murt inn i veggen av sin egen far fordi hun gjorde alt, og mye hun ikke burde, for kjærligheten. Fra å være mest opptatt av ryktene om Helgahuset, ser Anne plutselig historien med nye øyne. For når Anne selv har vært mest opptatt av å slå guttene i håndbak eller løpe fra dem, tilspisses situasjonen når skolens peneste jente også forelsker seg i Jørgen Ruge. Og i motsetning til Anne har Ellen verdens lengste, vakreste hestehale, alltid pene, rene klær og jobb som skuespiller i en reklamefilm på TV. Kjærester siden barnehagen har hun også hatt. Men Anne har bestemt seg. Oddsene er kanskje ikke på hennes side, men Jørgen Ruge skal bli hennes kjæreste, ikke Ellens.
EN. Totally True Love, also known as Jørgen + Anne er Sant, is a 2011 Norwegian film based on the 1984 novel Jørgen Anne er Sant by Vigdis Hjorth.
Anne, 10 years old, is an energetic girl with more important affairs than falling in love. But when she meets Jørgen, the new boy in class, she falls in love immediately. Some grown-ups do not think you can fall in love for real when you are 10 years old, but Anne knows better: You can! Jørgen is moving into the mysterious and scary Bandit House. A house none of the kids dare to come close. But that is of no hinder for Anne, she is willing to go further than most to win him over. When done in the name of love, everything is allowed, isn't it?
Director: Anne Sewitsky.
Cast: Maria Annette Tanderø Berglyd, Otto Garli, Aurora Bach Rodal, Vilde Fredriksen Verlo, Kristin Langsrud, Peter Holene, Sigurd Saethereng, Torkil Høeg, Adrian Holte Kristiansen, Anna Jahr Svalheim, Emir Mulasmanovic, Silje Breivik.
Norway, 2011.
Language: Norwegian, Russian.
Йорген + Анна = правда / Самая настоящая любовь / Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011.
Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011.

Far til fire og ulveungerne / Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs. 1958.

Far til fire og ulveungerne / Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs. 1958.
 Far til fire og ulveungerne er en dansk film i Far til fire-serien fra 1958 instrueret af Alice O'Fredericks og Robert Saaskin efter manuskript af Grete Frische og Alice O'Fredericks selv. I denne film medvirkede Birgitte Price for sidste gang i Far til fire-serien.
Der er fest på Fars vej. Søs (Birgitte Price) og Peter (Ib Mossin) skal giftes. I en flot karet ankommer hun med Far til kirken. Onkel Anders, Fru Sejersen, Ole, Mie og Lilleper (Ole Neumann) overværer den højtidelige handling og bagefter fejrer hele familien brylluppet i det lille hjem. Efter taler og hurraråb sendes de to unge afsted på bryllupsrejse. Næste morgen begynder pligterne igen for børnene og nu er det Mie, der står for husholdningen. Hun herser med Ole og Per, der finder på alle mulige numre – for ikke at stå op. Ved morgenbordet kommer fru Sejersen (Agnes Rehni) til, og ved hendes hjælp får Lilleper overtalt Far til, at give ham lov til at blive ulveunge. Men skolen skal jo også passes, og da børnene – på grund af festlighederne i hjemmet – ikke har nået at læse på lektier, bliver det nogle faretruende timer for dem i skolen. Hjemme på vejen bor den lille norske pige Grete (Grete Nielsen). Hun er meget musikalsk og har samlet nogle børn, blandt andet Ole, Mie og Per til et skiffle-orkester. De øver sig så huset ryster, og særlig Per gør sig gældende, han blæser trompet med en hel Louis Armstrong. En dag oplever vi den...
Director: Alice O'Fredericks, Robert Saaskin.
Cast: Peter Malberg, Birgitte Price, Karl Stegger, Ib Mossin, Agnes Rehni, Annie Birgit Garde, Rudi Hansen, Otto Møller Jensen, Grethe Kausland, Ole Neumann.
Denmark, ASA film, 1958.
Language: Danish.
Download Far til fire og ulveungerne / Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs.
Far til fire og ulveungerne / Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs. 1958.
Far til fire og ulveungerne / Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs. 1958.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Knee Dancing. 2008.

Танцы на коленях / Knee Dancing. 2008.
 "Knee Dancing" director, producer and star Doreen Ross plays Laura Zuckerman, a young housewife tortured by experiences of childhood sexual abuse. This is a poignant display of the human mind desperately grasping for normalcy while having been "trained" otherwise at an early age. While Laura's mother is in the hospital for a long stay, her father terrorizes Laura. Sex then is the next step and before Laura's mother comes home her father makes her promise not to tell her mother what she has been doing to her. Laura's reality is now well tainted as she oscillates repeatedly between what is real versus what she thinks is real in the actions of both men and women towards her. This is an autobiography.
Director: Doreen Ross.
Cast: David Ariniello, Gertrude Clement, Gary Faulkner, Tina Faulkner, Roxanne Holland, Terry Logan, Doreen Ross, Chiah Tuck.
USA, 2008.
Language: English..
Warning: the video quality is poor. Looking for a better quality movie.
Download Knee Dancing. 2008.
Танцы на коленях / Knee Dancing. 2008.
 Knee Dancing. 2008.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Zerwany / Torn. 2003.

Сломленный / Zerwany / Torn. 2003.
 PL. Film pokazywany w ramach V edycji Filmostrady.
Mateusz jest sierotą społecznym. Otacza go świat pełen przemocy. Wszędzie - w rodzinie zastępczej, w domu dziecka, w domu poprawczym, na komisariacie - silniejsi gnębią słabszych. Gdy usiłuje się zbuntować, zostaje sponiewierany. Kiedy wreszcie trafia do normalnej szkoły, nadal czuje swoją poniżającą inność.
EN. From orphanage to foster home and back, then to the reformatory, 12-year-old Mateusz endures cruel brutality while aspiring to unite with his mother.
Director: Jacek Filipiak.
Cast: Krzysztof Ciupa, Lech Dyblik, Agnieszka Dygant, Jan Frycz, Krzysztof Globisz, Malgorzata Hajewska, Andrzej Hudziak, Izabela Kala, Piotr Krukowski, Andrzej Mastalerz, Lukasz Simlat.
Poland, 2003.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Zerwany / Torn.
Сломленный / Zerwany / Torn. 2003.
Zerwany / Torn. 2003.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Needles. 2010.

Иглы / Needles. 2010.
 Russia, 1984. Faced with an illness, Andrei, a meek boy of 11, enters a children's hospital for a long-term stay. But within the crumbling walls he soon discovers a starved community of patients fearfully operating under the piercing watch of the hospital staff. Here Andrei realizes that illness is just one of the things he needs to survive.
Director: Alexei Mizin.
Cast: Den Kamenev, Sandra Bernotaite, Albert Goikhman, Tommy Everson, Alistair Trapnell, Nikita Kokurin, Michael Walker, Kirk Robertson, Craig Norton.
Australia, 2010.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Needles.
Иглы / Needles. 2010.
Needles. 2010.