Forum Cinema Paradiso

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.

Шпион, который простудился / The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.
 A bus stops and drops off a mother and daughter at a British holiday resort by the sea. Which happens also to be a naturist resort. The girls frolic carefree on the beach. Mother is looking for a new man and her daughter giggles at the different shapes and sizes of the other nude bodies around her. In the evening, mother dances with the local fishmonger. Later that night she spys on them having sex, intrigued by it. In the morning she investigates the sleeping man's body, interrupted prematurely by her mother.
Director: Philippa Lowthorpe.
Cast: Lesley Nightingale, James Larkin, Isabella Nightingale,
UK, 1995.
Language: English.
Download The Spy Who Caught a Cold.
Шпион, который простудился / The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.
The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.

Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.
 "Guten Tag, liebe Mutter, die Nährlösung ist im Deckel!" Die Malerin Bartolotti fällt aus allen Wolken, als sie ein schrumpeliger Knirps aus der Konservenbüchse anspricht. Aufgrund eines Computerfehlers in der Fabrik für Instant-Kinder ist der unkonventionellen Künstlerin der siebenjährige Konrad, ein Junge mit tadellosem Benehmen, frei Haus geliefert worden. Der wohl erzogene Konrad und die flippige Frau Bartolotti könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein - trotzdem schließen sich die beiden nach und nach ins Herz. Als die Fabrik ihr irrtümlich geliefertes Produkt wieder abholen will, möchte Konrad nicht mehr weg. Eine clevere Rettungsaktion wird gestartet: Aus dem Musterknaben muss schnellstens ein rotzfrecher Lümmel werden.
Director: Claudia Schröder.
Cast: Violetta Ferrari, Heinz Schubert, Daniel Thorbecke, Alexandra Degen, Alexandra Degen, Barbara Simon, Daniel Jürgen Lohmann, Robert Stephan, Otu Tetteh, Anna von Gablenz, Ingrid Kaiser, Harald Effenberg, Ulrich Gressieker.
Germany, 1983.
Language: German.
Subtitles English.
Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.
Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.

Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.

Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.
 SE. …som havets nakna vind är en svensk komedi- och dramafilm från 1968 i regi av Ulf Palme och Gunnar Höglund. I rollerna ses bland andra Hans Gustafsson, Lillemor Ohlson och Barbro Hiort af Ornäs.
Den unge Leander är en lyckad student i Schweiz, men på det erotiska området går det desto sämre. Han reser tillbaka till Sverige och tillbringar sommaren på sin mors herrgård i en Östersjövik. Där vänder den erotiska lyckan och träffar han en rad kvinnor med vilka han har sexuellt umgänge.
EN. One Swedish Summer is a forgotten gem from the days when skilled directors were at the helm of exploitation films.
Story of only boy in home living with his mother and other female relatives In an early scene, he gets up from his bed completely naked and stands in front of his elder relatives in order to prove he is a grown man, and then his teenage sister comes dancing into the room with her transistor radio pressed to her ear, but upon seeing her brother’s nudity she forgets the music and develops a serious lust for him. He then has a sexual encounter with a female by the sea on the rocks as his also naked sister watches with obvious jealousy.
Days later, swimming nude again, he runs smack dab into the Nordic trio of cuties, all of whom, as we see through flashbacks, have developed odd sexual hangups, one of whom being raped by a priest which causes her to re-enact the scenario for pleasure again and again, and eventually does so with our hero, in a perverse scene that is quite out of place in this otherwise conservative yet butt-naked-flesh-everywhere film. Eventually, the sister’s lust boils over and the siblings are close to giving in to desire...
Director: Gunnar Höglund.
Cast: Hans Gustafsson, Lillemor Ohlsson, Barbro Hiort af Ornas, Gudrun Brost, Gio Petre, Birger Malmsten, Anne Kulle, Ingrid Swedin, Barbro Hedstrom, Charlie Elvegård.
Sweden, West Germany, 1968.
Language: Swedish.
Download Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer.
Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.
Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Saliva. 2007.

Saliva. 2007.
 PT. Uma viagem na mente de uma menina de 12 anos prestes a dar seu primeiro beijo. Duvidas e medos mergulhados em saliva.
EN. A journey into the mind of a 12 year old girl about to give her first kiss: doubts and fears engulfed in saliva.
Director: Esmir Filho.
Cast: Maya Comunale, Gabriel Cavicchioli, Hellen Vasconcelos.
Brazil, 2007.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Saliva.
Saliva. 2007.
Saliva. 2007.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Niekto ako ja. 1988.

Niekto ako ja. 1988.
 Pôvodný televízny hudobný film pre deti a mládež. Tento film je velmi vzacny, lebo je jediny, v ktorom Dežo Ursiny spieva aj hra. Pri skorsom slavnom muzikali Neberte nam princeznu je tento trocha v jeho tieni a zabudnuty. Rovnako piesne z neho sa neobjavili na ziadnom nosici. Je to skoda, lebo film je to velmi pekny a piesne su krasne. Neberte nam princeznu bol muzikal zo zivota mladych ludi a deti, bol inspirovany rozpravkou a bol ako z rozpravkovych knih. Niekto ako ja je tiez zo zivota mladych ludi, je tiez inspirovany rozpravkou o sestre, ktora hlada svojho brata, ale nie je ako z rozpravkovych knih. Je civilny, skor az domumentarny.
Director: Martin Hoffmeister.
Cast: Dezider Ursiny, Jana Daňová, Dušan Szabo, Zuzana Jezerská, Peter Debnár, Ľubo Roman, Gabriela Hermelyová, Karol Čálik, Alexandra Záborská, Judita Ďurdiaková, Juraj Ďurdiak, Peter Lipa, Peter Šimun, Emília Došeková.
Czechoslovakia, 1988.
Language: Czech.
Download Niekto ako ja.
Niekto ako ja. 1988.
Niekto ako ja. 1988.

Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.

Аглая / Aglaja / Aglaya.
  «Aglaja - Life hangs on a hair's breadth»
This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
Director: Krisztina Deák.
Cast: Eszter Ónodi, Babett Jávor, Piroska Móga, Zsolt Bogdán, Janka Dobi, Tamás Keresztes, Ráhel Solténszky, Gergely Kovács, Iván Kamarás, Adél Jordán, Enikö Börcsök, Kati Lázár, Piroska Molnár.
Hungary, Romania, Poland, 2012.
Language: Hungarian, Romanian, English, German.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Aglaja / Aglaya.
Аглая / Aglaja / Aglaya.
Aglaja / Aglaya.

Dolores. 2009.

Долорес /  Dolores.
 At 14, Dolores, though loved by her folks at home, was deprived of a mature understanding that there is such a thin line between love and lust. Her seeming sense of innocence was betrayed. Her enigma eventually vanished when her grandfather, father, brother and uncle took advantage of that twisted sense of innocence. Soon after that grim realization, Dolores comes face to face battling her personal demon. She finally redeems herself in a way that a child naturally would, amid an indifferent and angry world. This domestic drama about a poor family in rural Philippines is based on a true story culled from a news clip the writer-director presented in his anthropology class in graduate school.
Director: Lito Casaje.
Cast: Lara Buenaventura, Dido De La Paz, Miles Canapi, Amante Pulido, Conrado de Guzman, R.J. Maximo, Keith Cabanez, Joseph Garcia, Redentor Esguerra.
Philippines, 2009.
Language: Filipino.
Subtitles: English.
Долорес /  Dolores.

Freiheit für die Liebe / Freedom to Love. 1969.

Свобода любви / Freiheit fur die Liebe / Freedom to Love.
 DE. Typischer Aufklarungsfilm, zu Teilen bestehend aus Dokumentation, Drama und Interviews. Fur damalige Verhaltnisse gewagt war die Behandlung der Themen Homosexualitat und erste sexuelle Erfahrungen von Kindern.
EN. Documentation, drama and interviews about sex education. Touches on issues of homosexuality and first sexual experiences of children.
Director: Eberhardt Kronhausen, Phyllis Kronhausen.
Cast: Marie Antoinette, H.H. Brydensholt, Kenneth Carr, Betty Dodson, Gaby Esche, Annemarie Graf, Alan Gutmacher M.D, Daniel D. Halleck, Hugh M. Hefner, Inge Hegeler, Sten Hegeler, Monique Kraamwinkel.
Germany, 1969.
Language: German.
Свобода любви / Freiheit für die Liebe / Freedom to Love. 1969.
Freiheit für die Liebe / Freedom to Love. 1969.

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Ваш ребёнок, это неизвестное существо / Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen.

This is a continuation of the sex education films by Oswald Kolle. The entire Kolle family appears nude and openly discusses sex among the parents, two daughters and one son. The father recommends masturbation for children unless the act would be traumatic for the participant. Some mention of the Oedipal complex is discussed, but no details are given because individual situations may vary. The color process is not credited.
Director: Werner M. Lenz, Oswalt Kolle.
Cast: Wolf-Michael Hoffmann, Martin Jente, Cornelia Kolle, Marlies Kolle, Nino Kolle, Oswalt Kolle, Stefan Kolle, Till Kolle, Erich Joey Pfluger, Renate Weprich.
Germany, Konstantin Films, Arca, 1970.
Language: German.

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.
Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Trápení. 1961.

Беспокойные каникулы / Черный Прим / Trápení.
 CZ. Lyrické vyprávění o citově se probouzejícím dvanáctiletém děvčátku, které se jako jediný člověk dokáže spřátelit s nezkrotným černým koněm... Příběh je zasazen do krásné jihočeské přírody a byl realizován ve spolupráci se Státním plemenářským ústavem v Písku. Vedle několika domácích cen získal několik mezinárodních uznání, zejména na festivalech věnovaných filmům pro děti a mládež
EN. This is an engaging drama by director Karel Kachyna about the growing pains of a young teen (Jorga Kotrbova) and the hardships of a noble steed mistreated by a cruel neighboring farmer. The teen is having a hard time figuring out adult modes of behavior, and at the same time her heart goes out to the horse that is suffering under the treatment of the farmer next door to her family. As the teen adopts the horse as a friend, some clarification will be sure to come on the meaning of adulthood and the benefits of compassion.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Jorga Kotrbová, Zora Jiráková, Milan Jedlička, Václav Neužil st., Dagmar Neumannová, Pavel Bártl, Jaroslav Nekolný, Rudolf Průcha, Kamil Olšovský, Zdeněk Jarolímek, Václav Fišer, Václav Korn, Miroslav Bradáč, Rudolf Kruliš, Zdeněk Míka, Jan Štrébl, Karel Kachyňar.
Czechoslovakia, 1961.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Trápení.
Беспокойные каникулы / Черный Прим / Trápení.
Trápení. 1961.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.

Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.
 In 2002, 12-year-old Maria, living in dire poverty with her family, is sold by her fisherman father to prostitute recruiter Seu Tadeu, who takes her to a low-class brothel in the Amazon region. While she suffers innumerable abuses, Maria only thinks of escaping the horrible conditions she's faced with.
Director: Rudi Lagemann.
Cast: Antonio Calloni, Otávio Augusto, Darlene Glória, Vera Holtz, Fernanda Carvalho, Chico Díaz, Bianca Comparato, Mary Sheila, Caco Monteiro, Antônio Gonzalez, Evelin Buchegguer.
Brazil, 2006.
Language: Portuguese.
Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.
Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.

Терновая крепость / Тышкевар / Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.
 HU. A Tüskevár 1966-ban forgatott, 1967-ben bemutatott fekete-fehér ifjúsági filmsorozat, melyet a Magyar Televízió Fekete István híres regényéből Fejér Tamás dirigálásával készített.
A film hőse egy kisfiú, a széltől is óvják, még az úttörőtáborba se engedik el. A nyári szünetben azonban elmehet a Kis-Balaton mellé egy rokonhoz, aki megismerteti őt a természet szépségeivel. A nyaralás feltétele, hogy jól kell tanulnia.
Episode List:
1. rész: Nyaralás feltételekkel (29 perc)
2. rész: A nádvilág (34 perc)
3. rész: A szökevény óriás (29 perc)
4. rész: A leskunyhóban (33 perc)
5. rész: Hárman a berekben (29 perc)
6. rész: Viharban (29 perc)
7. rész: Tüskevár meghódítása (32 perc)
8. rész: Búcsú a berektől (30 perc)
EN. Based on the book of famous Hungarian writer, Istvan Fekete (who mainly wrote titles about animals, like Vuk, Lutra) this is a must see for all computerized Nintendo kids, who ever forget, that there's reality outside the screen. The story is about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view about their civilized life, and fall love with the NATURE itself. Of course, first cases they fail, and this series is about their (both physical and mental) development. The acting, or dramaturgy is nothing special, it's on the level of 1950's, although there are some breath-taking shots of wildlife, which sadly nowadays already have disappeared from the location of shot, so this movie is natural memento as well. Although the movie is good enough, nowhere good as the novel itself, which is brilliant.
Director: Tamas Fejer.
Cast: László Bánhidi, Zoltán Seregi, Ferenc Zenthe, Tibor Barabás, József Petrik, Manyi Kiss, Tibor Molnár, István Velenczei, Teri Földi, Zách János.
Hungary, 1967.
Language: Hungarian, Russian.
Терновая крепость / Тышкевар / Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.
Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.

初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968.

初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968. HD.
 Hatsukoi Jigokuhen (初恋・地獄篇) is a 1968 film directed by Susumu Hani and co-scripted by him with Shūji Terayama. It is one of Hani's best known works. In the West, it is known as Nanami, The Inferno of First Love or as Nanami, First Love. The movie focuses on the pain of emerging from adolescence. The film was nominated for the Golden Bear award at the 18th Berlin International Film Festival in 1968. Many film scholars consider this work to be one of Hani's major achievements, while others judge the film to be commercial and exploitive.
An insecure guy falls in love with a young nude model. But his past sexual abuse hinders him of loving inhibitedly. He meets a little girl in the park instead... The story isn't that linear and that's why the freely linked episodes of this film just takes you on a shaky underwater rollercoaster ride. Beautiful camera-shots, excellent editing, great music, great acting...
Writers: Susumu Hani, Shûji Terayama.
Director: Susumu Hani.

Cast: Haruo Asanu, Kazuko Fukuda, Kuniko Ishii, Ichirô Kimura, Kazuo Kimura, Kôji Mitsui, Misako Miyato, Kimiko Nakamura, Akio Takahashi, Minoru Yuasa.
Japan, 1968.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
960x720 HD
Download 初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968.
初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968. HD.
初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968. HD.

初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968. HD.
初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968. HD.


風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.

Дети на ветру / 風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.
 Brothers Zenta and Sanpei carelessly wile their summer away in the countryside, bullying neighbor Kintaro and fighting over who gets to deliver their father's daily lunchbox. Sunny days come to an abrupt end when their father is accused of forging documents and put in jail. While his mother looks for work, Sanpei is sent away to stay with his father's retired schoolmaster, but he can't stop getting into trouble.
Director: Hiroshi Shimizu.
Cast: Masao Hayama, Tomio Aoki, Bakudankozo, Reikichi Kawamura, Mitsuko Yoshikawa, Fumiko Okamura, Chishu Ryu, Takeshi Sakamoto, Hiroshi Nagao, Einosuke Naka, Seiji Nishimura, Chishu Ryu, Takayuki Suematsu, Koji Matsuda, Kanji Kawahara.
Japan, 1937.
Language: Japanese .
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Дети на ветру / 風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.
 風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Vive les vacances! 2009.

Vive les vacances! 2009.
 Vive les vacances! était une série télévisée diffusée en 2009 en France sur TF1 et en Belgique sur La Une.
Une superbe maison de vacances au bord de la mer et trois couples avec enfants qui s'y installent pour le mois d'août. Problème ! Chaque couple a loué cette maison pour lui seul. Arnaque dans l'air... Aucune famille ne voulant céder sa place, la guerre commence. Les vacances idylliques deviennent un enfer. De la jalousie à la mauvaise foi, de l'égoïsme à l'intérêt personnel, de la lâcheté au ridicule, tous les travers de l'être humain sont mis en évidence avec tendresse. Et de cette inimitié naîtra une forte complicité...
Director: Stephane Kappes.
Cast: Timothé Riquet, Hugo de Donno, Zacharie Chasseriaud, Tania Garbarski, Titoff, Cécile Bois,  Stéphane De Groodt, Arnaud Henriet, Julie Dray, Salem Kali, Marie Vincent, Mélusine Mayance, Gwenaëlle Simon, Julie Cavanna,  Louison Blivet, Jean-Marie Paris.
France, 2009.
Language: French.
Vive les vacances! 2009.
Vive les vacances! 2009.

Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.

Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.
 The film is set around the problem of agrarian debt and farmer suicides in Maharashtra. Mouli (Bharat Jadhav), a farmer who ekes out a living on a 2 acre farm is trying his best to support his family. He is in debt to the tune of Rs. 10,000 to the local money lender (Uday Sabnis). Mouli's wife Manda (Madhavi Juvekar) tries her best to sustain the family on the little that they have. Mouli and Manda's children Shyam (Chinmay Kambli) and Dipti (Aarti More) go to the local school - and both are bright children who have a lot to look forward to. Shyam wants to become 'someone' and Dipti has her first crush ! When it seems that all is lost - including the land - and suicide is the only option - Shyam decides that he is not going to die and tries his best to save the family. What he does and the alternative to suicide and debt free farming (the word used in the film is swawalambhi) is the crux of the film.
Director: Nitin Nandan.
Cast: Chinmay Kambli, Arti More, Pratik Dalvi, Bharat Jadhav, Madhavi Juvekar, Sanjay Mone, Sachin Patil, Dilip Prabhavalkar, Uday Sabnis.
India, 2009.
Language: Marathi.
Subtitles: English.
Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.
Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.

Доклад о школьницах / Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.
DE. Schulmädchen-Report ist der Titel eines 1970 erschienenen Buches von Günther Hunold, das Interviews mit zwölf Mädchen und jungen Frauen im Alter von 14 bis 20 über ihre Sexualität präsentierte. Der noch im selben Jahr in die westdeutschen Kinos gekommenen gleichnamigen Verfilmung des Produzenten Wolf C. Hartwig war ein derartiger Erfolg beschieden, dass bis 1980 noch zwölf Fortsetzungen produziert wurden. Die Verfilmungen, übersetzt in 38 Sprachen, gelten mit 100 Millionen Zuschauern als bisher erfolgreichste deutsche Kinoproduktion. Der erste Teil wurde mit rund sechs Millionen Zuschauern einer der fünf erfolgreichsten deutschen Filme.
EN. Schulmadchen-Report: Was Eltern nicht fur moglich halten (Schoolgirl Report Part 1: What Parents Don't Think Is Possible) (UK release title: Confessions of a Sixth Form Girl) is a 1970 German so-called sex report film directed by Ernst Hofbauer, based on a book by Gunther Hunold (which presented interviews with twelve girls on their sexual lives) and produced by Wolfgang C. Hartwig. The music by Gert Wilden combined beat lounge and acid rock.
The film was a commercial success in 1970, topping the German cinema charts for weeks. Although it still had elements of the "Aufklarungsfilme" (sex education films) of the 1960s, it was quite exploitative - and the audience knew it.
This was the first in a series that would last thirteen titles until 1980. According to IBDB Episodes 9 and 10 feature Ursula Reit also known as Augustus Gloop's mother Mrs. Gloop from the 1971 film "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory".
 Directors: Walter Boos, Ernst Hofbauer.
Cast: Günther Kieslich, Wolf Harnisch, Helga Kruck, Friedrich von Thun, Peter Dornseif, Lisa Fitz, Marion Haberl, Christina Hoeltel, Claudia Höll, Mascha Rabben, Waltraud Schaeffler, Gunther Möhner, Tonio von der Meden, Ursula Wolff.
West Germany, 1970-1979.
Language: German, Russian.
Episode List:
Schulmädchen-Report: Was Eltern nicht für möglich halten.
Der neue Schulmädchen-Report. 2. Teil: Was Eltern den Schlaf raubt.
Schulmädchen-Report. 3. Teil: Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen.
Schulmädchen-Report. 4. Teil: Was Eltern oft verzweifeln läßt.
Schulmädchen-Report. 5. Teil: Was Eltern wirklich wissen sollten.
Schulmädchen-Report. 6. Teil: Was Eltern gern vertuschen möchten.

Schulmädchen-Report. 7. Teil: Doch das Herz muß dabei sein.
Schulmädchen-Report. 8. Teil: Was Eltern nie erfahren dürfen.
Schulmädchen-Report. 9. Teil: Reifeprüfung vor dem Abitur.
Schulmädchen-Report. 10. Teil: Irgendwann fängt jede an.
Schulmädchen-Report. 11. Teil: Probieren geht über Studieren.
Schulmädchen-Report. 12. Teil: Junge Mädchen brauchen Liebe.
Schulmädchen-Report. 13. Teil: Vergiß beim Sex die Liebe nicht.

Доклад о школьницах / Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.
Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.

Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.
 DK. Lille mand, Mathias på 8 år, er ved at skrive verdens vigtigste opgave i skolen: "Sådan er kvinder" en håndbog af Mathias'.
CZ. Osmiletý Mathias dostal za úkol napsat do školy esej, kterou nazval "Jak porozumět ženám". Jeho práce se ale ukáže celkem složitou, a v průběhu psaní práce se zamiluje do své spolužačky Marie.
Director: Esben Tønnesen.
Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen, Lotte Bergstrøm, Beate Bille, Philip Gjedde, Sofie Helqvist.
Denmark, Enclave films, 2006.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Lille Mand / Little Man.
Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.
Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.

Edges of the Lord. 2001.

Edges of the Lord. 2001.
 Polish 12 year-young city Jew Romek gets a crash-course in Catholicsim from his daddy ('stay hanging by your arms till your prayers are perfect') so he can be sent away and escape deportation (Auschwitz?) hiding in the country where the clergy found a host, Gniecio's simple peasant family, posing as their city relative. Gniecio's eldest son Vladek proves rather tyrannical but no brighter then gullible junior Tollo, who takes a role play in catechism class to 'become' a Last Supper character, in his case Jesus, to the extreme, even training for a crucifixion from a tree. Neighbor Batylin and his wife are executed by the Nazis when their illegally kept pig is found. Kluba plays a dirty trick when Gniecio tries to sell his in the city; his son is as problematic for the boys, who meanwhile play involving a single girl-playmate, Maria, who takes Romek in when he's stupidly thrown out by his widowed host by mistake. The horror of war itself suddenly shows its ugly head again, big time and in weird ways with unforeseen consequences...
Director:  Yurek Bogayevicz.
Cast: Haley Joel Osment, Willem Dafoe, Richard Banel, Liam Hess, Olaf Lubaszenko, Malgorzata Foremniak, Andrzej Grabowski, Chiril Vahonin, Olga Frycz, Dorota Piasecka, Wojciech Smolarz, Marek Weglarski, Ryszard Ronczewski.
USA, Poland, 2001.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Edges of the Lord.
Edges of the Lord. 2001.
Edges of the Lord. 2001.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Anthology of short films. Part 2.

Anthology of short films. Part 2.
The second issue of a collection of short films of independent filmmakers from around the world, this time consisting of 5 mini-movies.
1. La Valiente.
Girl for a few seconds closes his eyes trying not to think about anything but her fears attack and those seconds seem like an eternity...
Director: Isabel de Ayguavives.
Spain, 2004.
2. Lille Mand / Little Man.
Junior Matias got a job at school to write an essay on a free topic...
Director: Esben Tonnesen.
Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen.
Denmark, 2006.
3. Marzipan.
Surrealism. Beautiful young woman rides in a cart drawn by boys and collects it all the girls he meets on his way.
Cast: Robert Bosser, Christoffer Gabbor, Leo Hoffmann, Benjamin Keferstein, Falco Pieczonka, Maximillian Wegner, Levi and Seph Blouw-Espinosa.
Director: Carolina Feix.
Netherlands, 2006.
4. Rita.
About a blind girl...
Director: Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza.
Cast: Marco Correnti, Marta Palermo.
Italy, 2009.
5. Things I Don't Remember.
Remembering childhood, it's like watching a videotape forgotten that you once found in a corner of the basement...
Director: Nicholas Santos.
Cast: Jackson Quinn Gray, Parker Pogue, Alison Walter, Tyler Gardella.
USA, 2011.

Anthology of short films. Part 2.

Anthology of short films. Part 2.
Anthology of short films. Part 2.

Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.

Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
 MK. Белото Циганче е македонска тв серија снимена во 1984 година. Белото Циганче е роман за деца од македонскиот писател Видое Подгорец. За првпат, книгата била издадена во 1966 година. Исто така, таа била екранизирана од страна на Македонската Радио Телевизија.
Во серијата се работи за едно дете кое било оставено за време на војната во некое село. Додека бегале од окупаторот, група Роми го пронашле и го одгледале. Момчето се викало Таруно и немало никаква врска со Циганите, но научило да ги почитува нивните обичаи, научило како да преживее, да заработи за живот плетејќи кошници. Имал пријатели - Цигани и не судел по бојата на кожата туку по карактерот. Останатите луѓе едноставно не го поднесувале Таруно и го викале Белото циганче. Tој бил срамежлив.
Неколкупати се обидел да се спротистави на селските деца но секогаш завршувал во небрано. Таруно имал убав бел коњ по име Белка. Кога Белка ождребува, раѓа црвено ждребе со бел белег на предната нога. Таруно го одгледува ждребето како негово и го крстува Бреско. Кога Белка умира, кога Бреско е сеуште ждребе, немало кој да го рани и сите изгубиле надеж од него, но Таруно успеа да го одржи жив. Неколкупати Бреско бега и повторно се враќа. Некогаш го нема толку долго време што Таруно почнува да жали и плаче. Приказната за Белото циганче станува уште потрогателна со смртта на неговиот старател, Бабa Мулон го одгледал како свое дете и му помогнал да стане добар човек и умен човек.
EN. Beloto cigance is a Macedonian television series filmed in 1984. Beloto cigance children's novel by the Macedonian writer Vidoje Podgorec. For the first time, the book was published in 1966. Also, it was filmed by the Macedonian Radio Television.
The series is about a child who was left during the war in a village. While fleeing from the occupiers, a group of Roma found and bred. The boy was called Tarun and had no connection with the Gypsies but learned to respect their customs, learned how to survive, to earn a living weaving baskets. He had friends - gypsies and not judged by the color of their skin but by their character. Other people just tolerated Tarun and called White Gypsy. He was shy.
TV series, 7 Episodes.
Director: Aco Aleksov.
Cast: Ilija Dzuvalekovski, Snezana Stameska, Kiril Andonovski, Krste Jovanovski, Rubens Muratovski, Aneta Durcevska, Hristos Popovski, Trajce Ivanoski, Igor Madzirov, Petre Arsovski, Salaetin Bilal, Zora Georgieva.
Yugoslavia, Televizija Skopje, 1984.
Language: Macedonian.
Download Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance.
Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.

Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich. 1977.

Вторая любовь / Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich. 1977.
 Der Sport ist für Peter Papenbold (Gojko Mitic) eine große Leidenschaft. Seine Frau Gitte (Renate Blume) hat manchmal den Eindruck, dass er nicht mit ihr, sondern mit seiner Aufgabe als Übungsleiter verheiratet ist. Doch letztlich bringt sie immer wieder Verständnis dafür auf, wenn er fast seine ganze Freizeit den Nachwuchstalenten widmet. Ja, sie ist in gewisser Weise sogar stolz auf ihn, mit welcher Liebe und Einsatzbereitschaft er sich dieser ehrenamtlichen Aufgabe widmet. Sogar unter den Kindern im Kindergarten sucht Peter nach Talenten, die vielleicht später einmal zu den Olympischen Spielen fahren könnten. Der DEFA-»Chefindianer« Gojko Mitic war in dieser TV-Produktion einmal in einem ganz anderen Outfit zu sehen: im Trainingsanzug. Für diese Rolle als Übungsleiter einer Turnerriege konnte er auf seine Erfahrungen als Student an der Belgrader Sporthochschule zurückgreifen.
Director: Hubert Hoelzke.
Cast: Renate Blume, Liselott Baumgarten, Peter Bause, Brigitte Beier, Carola Braunbock, Peter Fabers, Ingrid Föhr, Gisela Graupner, Walter Kröter, Gojko Mitic, Helmut Müller-Lankow.
DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1977.
Language: German.
Download Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich.
Вторая любовь / Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich. 1977.
Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich. 1977.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.

Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. Full HD.
 Another version of the beautiful documentary Tears of the Amazon about endangered Amazonian Indian tribes. Based on the MBC documentary, the movie tells the story of natives in the Amazon, and how the destruction of the natural environment changed their lives. All ages admitted.
Perfect quality Video 1920x1080 Full HD.
South Korea, 2010.
Download Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. Full HD:
2 parts archive:
Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.
Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.
Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.

Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.

Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. 2010. Full HD.

Исчезающая Амазонка - Потерянный рай / Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. Full HD.
Disappearing Amazon. Paradise Lost. Full HD.